Export of dairy products to Russia
only possible with special digital labeling

New guideline for the declaration of export cheese products to Russia


The aim of this clear product labelling is to protect cheese and dairy products against counterfeiting. In this way, the Russian regulatory authorities want to track the flow of goods from the manufacturer to the consumer more precisely and prevent the spread of counterfeit, low-quality goods. To this end, a specially generated Datamatrix code is used, which must be printed on every exported cheese or dairy product.

Counterfeit-proof Datamatrix code

A forgery-proof algorithm is used to generate the Datamatrix code. The code is composed of 2 parts, namely the identification code of the goods, which is offered by the Russian Federation in a unified product catalog, and the verification code of the Center for the Development of Promising Technologies "CRPT". The data matrix code is applied directly on the product, packaging or label and contains all important information such as date, place and time of production, size, shelf life, size or also material, etc. The Datamatrix code is used to identify the product.


Tracking down counterfeit products

When diary goods are in circulation, the printed data matrix code is compared with the officially issued codes via an online system at the supermarket checkout in the Russian retail sector. If there are any discrepancies, a counterfeit product can be identified at the checkout at the latest.

A central issuing office called Chestny Znak - which means "Honest Mark" - has been set up by the CRPT to manage the unique Datamatrix codes. All producers exporting dairy products and cheese to Russia must register their products through this platform and uniquely mark them with the provided Datamatrix code as part of this national track & trace system.

Direct to Chestny Znak at https://chestnyznak.ru/en/


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